РОО ПРАВО РЕБЕНКА » Some news and publications
Some news and publications


26.05.2015, President Putin signed Decree # 268 on the inclusion of Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Chair of the Moscow Helsinki Group, into the Council on Human Rights under the President of Russian Federation:

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14.04.2015, Lyudmila Alexeeva and Boris Altshuler, “Why do children have nowhere to live in the largest country in the world?”. Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

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20.01.2014 - 20 January 2014- To the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Center for Human Rights, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
–Boris Altshuler: 
«With this I submit the information about the unprecedented event – Pre-Session Meeting on 17.01.2014 of the Russian Delegation to the “Russian” Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (23-24 January) with Russian NGOs – authors of the alternative reports to the Committee. This Report is concise and inevitably not a full one. It is also submitted to Russian Delegation. And surely, like “Alternative Report - 2013” and other our materials, it is an open document which may be distributed anywhere and in any way».

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28.12.2013 One year of the 'Dima Yakovlev Law' - ARE WE HUMAN BEINGS OR BEASTS – Boris Altshuler: "A year ago, on the dreadful day of 28 December 2012, President Putin signed the so called ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’ which put a ban for any adoption of Russian orphans to the USA – including about 300 children who were totally ready for adoption, among them about 50 of strongly disabled kids. Most of these children, especially disabled ones, still stay in Russian children institutions – instead of receiving love, care and special medical treatment which waited for them in American families.."

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29 November 2013. Russian NGOs' Comments to Russia's Answers to Additional Questions by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – - on the eve, on 14 January 2014, of the consideration by the Committee of the State Periodic Report of the Russin Federation.

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October 2013 – Boris Altshuler was presented the American Physical Society’s 2014 Andrei Sakharov Prize “For the life-long struggle for democracy in Russia and for his advocacy on behalf of the rights of neglected children”. Boris Altshuler shared this honor with young physicist Omid Kakabee who is currently imprisoned in Iran.

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21.09.2013 – These children must not be forgotten: double betrayal by Pavel Astakhov - possibly in cooperation with the U.S. Administration.

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14.09.2013 – Boris Altshuler, Comment on Vladimir Putin's article in New York Times, 9 Sept. 2013.

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02.09.2013 – Children and G-20 Meeting in Sanct-Petersburg: Open Letter to US President and US Congress.

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04.08.2013 – Russian adoption law leaves 300 orphans in limbo – Boris Altshuler’s interviewed by Olivia Ward, “Toronto Star”.

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04.08.2013 – Olivia Ward about harsh problems of the “Right of the Child” NGO.

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09.01.2013 – Appeal to President of France on Children and on Pavel Astakhov.

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13 April 2011 – “Russia: Rights of the Child, Including Situation in Orphanages”, Presentation at the Round Table “Briefing to the EU by Human Rights NGOs: EU/Russia Consultations on Human Rights”, European Union Delegation to the Russian Federation, Moscow.

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6 October 2010 –  “Russia and UN Committee on the Rights of the Child”, “Right of the Child” (ROC) contribution for the Autumn/Fall issue of the NGO Group Talk.

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16 April 2008 – “Rights of Children in Russia in the European perspective”, Participation of Russian NGOs in the preparations of the EU-Russia human rights consultations, Ljubljana – Slovenia.

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25 December 2006 – Some ROC’s hot deeds: Letter to President of Russia.

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July 2006 – “Not to Miss a Historic Chance”, Journal “Smolensk” # 7(87).

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