РОО ПРАВО РЕБЕНКА » 14.09.2013 - Boris Altshuler, Comment on Vladimir Putin's article in New York Times, 9 Sept. 2013
14.09.2013 - Boris Altshuler, Comment on Vladimir Putin's article in New York Times, 9 Sept. 2013


Letter to the editor of The New York Times
To: Andrew Rosenthal, Editorial Page Editor

Dear Mr. Rosenthal!
With this I submit my reaction to the Vladimir Putin’s article published in NYT on 9 Sept., 2013
With best wishes from Moscow

Boris Altshuler,
Chair of the “Right of the Child”, Moscow (http://www.right-child.ru)

Member Moscow Helsinki Group,
Member Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

It may be only greeted that Vladimir Putin in his 11/09/2013 article in New York Times  speaks about possible Russia-US cooperation in stopping bloodshed in Syria - in frames of the UN Security Council in particular. And it is sad to remember that during more than 2 years of conflict Russia vetoed in UN Security Council all proposals of actions aimed to stop this bloodshed - as a result there are now one million child refugees fleeing the escalating Syria conflict.

And it is sad to remember that on 28 December 2012 President of Russia did not vetoed the extremely cruel Law which locked in Russia hundreds of kids prepared for adoption to American families. I am involved in children’s rights defense in Russia during last 17 years, and I can’t help thinking and thinking about these children, especially about disabled ones who instead of being treated and developed in the loving US families are ‘buried alive’ in Russian children’s institutions. Why President Putin did not veto this notorious Law? Why President Putin did not dismiss yet President’s Ombudsman for Children’s Rights Pavel Astakhov who is main advocate of this ‘anti-children’ Law and who constantly negotiates in US with the only goal to hush up the problem?

The concern about world security is the main message of Vladimir Putin’s article. However the direct way to world security is the observation of the individual human rights. – This was the main message of the Andrei Sakharov’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture in 1975. And this is the main message of the Soviet and then – Russian human rights movement. That is why I appealed before recent G-20 Meeting to President Obama and to US Congress to make their best to include the children’s rights issues into the top negotiations agenda.
And I address now the same appeal to Vladimir Putin: please show humanity to these Russian children and this will be the real step to the effective international cooperation in reaching world security and in bringing peace to the suffering Syria in particular.

About the author



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