Objectives of the site of the NGO "Right of the Child"
Children - the future of the country, a happy family - the basis of the well-being of children. The situation of children today - a state of the country tomorrow. Children, family - it affects everyone. And it is in this area, we are faced with enormous problems, resulting in the dramatic reduction in the number of children in Russia: in 1998 there were 22 million students in 2010 - 12.8 million The decrease in the average of 760,000 a year! We did not come to the edge, we have long crossed him and quickly fall into oblivion.

Thus continues to operate smoothly "factory orphans" - the annual number of identified children without parental care - more than 100,000 (in 2009 according to the Federal Statistical observation were detected an average of 314 of these children every day, of which 138 per day - because of the court decisions on termination of parental rights of both parents or a single parent). And prospers excessive diagnosis of mental retardation, when the "buried alive" in social boarding (DDI), thousands of children stamped dire diagnoses.

What are the causes of trouble? One reason for the low birth rate: the birth of a child in modern Russia for most families - a "leap" in poverty, in semi-starvation (grow a generation of children had never fully nourished), in unacceptable housing conditions. There are many other difficulties and risks, such as: cosmic scale (1 million 700 thousand children in the recent testimony of Prosecutor General Yury Chaika) all in the nursery or the state of health and obstetrics.

The reason for the mass of child abandonment: the lack of child protection system ("Need a modern system of child protection. Today, the system just is not!", - Dmitry Medvedev, 16.03.2009), the lack of a professional link between the child and family and those who make decisions about their fate.

It is time to take matters into their own hands, to claim their rights, so that governments at various levels have found it best to work constructively with the community to promote a supportive environment for families and children.
Опыт регионов. Семинар: Что такое координация? Что такое ранняя профилактика?

Среди тем обсуждения были практические способы осуществления комиссиями координации деятельности органов и учреждений системы профилактики при выполнении индивидуальной профилактически-восстановительной работы, проблема кадрового социального ресурса для обеспечения такой работы непосредственно по месту жительства неблагополучных семей, способы работы по ранней профилактике семейного и детского неблагополучия


Гуманитарная программа


Гуманитарная программа «Помоги детям России»


Проблемы семьи и детей


Семья, дети, стратегия, первоочередные меры, голодовки многодетных


ВИЧ и дети


Общественная палата в контексте ВИЧ-инфекции в России


Доклады в ООН


Альтернативные доклады в Комитет ООН по правам ребенка
